This bibliography shows the most interesting papers selected from pmc PubMedCentral which were newly included in covid014Y
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Skewed: Nephrology, Rheumatology, Immunology, Cell Biology, Research Methods. on-topic and educational Clinical Medicine.
The full table of all monthly collections is: at
PMC searches were done at

{{tp|p=32683133|t=2020. Coronavirus disease 2019: What could be the effects on Road safety?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32683132|t=2020. Adolescent driving behavior before and during restrictions related to COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32652385|t=2020. Drinking to cope with the pandemic: The unique associations of COVID-19-related perceived threat and psychological distress to drinking behaviors in American men and women.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32622026|t=2020. Substance use and abuse associated with the behavioral immune system during COVID-19: The special case of healthcare workers and essential workers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32679435|t=2020. Changes in alcohol use as a function of psychological distress and social support following COVID-19 related University closings.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32709542|t=2020. Grief and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Older Adults.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32713753|t=2020. Facing the Change Together: Reflections of Coping and Resilience From American Geriatric Psychiatrists During COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32653854|t=2020. Cross-lagged analysis of the interplay between meaning in life and positive mental health during the COVID-19 epidemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32653852|t=2020. Mental health implications of COVID-19 on children with disabilities.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688279|t=2020. The neuropsychological impact of E-learning on children.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32682301|t=2020. Stigma, exclusion, and mental health during COVID19: 2 cases from the Philippines.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32680478|t=2020. Mental health status among family members of health care workers in Ningbo, China, during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak: a cross-sectional study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32677926|t=2020. Anxiety symptoms and preventive measures during the COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32710064|t=2020. Psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on staff in a dental teaching hospital.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32654678|t=2020. Abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32681866|t=2020. Factors related to mental health of inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32682750|t=2020. Transcranial direct current stimulation relieves the severe anxiety of a patient with COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32696808|t=2020. Individuals with untreated psychiatric disorders and suicide in the COVID-19 era.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32675108|t=2020. Supporting patient and clinician mental health during COVID-19: Via trauma-informed interdisciplinary systems.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32661675|t=2020. Collateral damage: Fear from SARS-CoV2-infection causing Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32716205|t=2020. Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32665948|t=2020. Global burden of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32665946|t=2020. Editorial comment on: Global burden of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32691135|t=2020. Associations between COVID-19 related media consumption and symptoms of anxiety, depression and COVID-19 related fear in the general population in Germany.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32666279|t=2020. From economic crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: evidence from a mental health helpline in Greece.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32683490|t=2020. Supporting children of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32661937|t=2020. Pediatrician, watch out for corona-phobia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32675210|t=2020. Characteristics and Outcomes of Health and Social Care workers testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the Tayside region of Scotland.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32654787|t=2020. Behavioral interventions in acute COVID-19 recovery: A new opportunity for integrated care.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32650785|t=2020. When altruists cannot help: the influence of altruism on the mental health of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32656281|t=2020. Necessity of Attention to Mental Health of the Front Line Nurses against COVID-19: A Forgotten Requirement.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32656280|t=2020. Considerations for Mitigation of the Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 in Older Adults.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32709003|t=2020. Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Emotional Well-Being during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32651593|t=2020. Social inequalities and collateral damages of the COVID-19 pandemic: when basic needs challenge mental health care.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32701015|t=2020. Puppy love in the time of Corona: Dog ownership protects against loneliness for those living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32650687|t=2020. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on socioeconomic and mental health aspects in Nepal.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32650681|t=2020. COVID-19 pandemic and psychological fatigue in Turkey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32676778|t=2020. Mental health of orthopaedic trauma patients during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32693983|t=2020. What Does Adolescent Substance Use Look Like During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Examining Changes in Frequency, Social Contexts, and Pandemic-Related Predictors.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32690467|t=2020. Unintended Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32697126|t=2020. Older Adults' Intention to Socially Isolate Once COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders Are Replaced With "Safer-at-Home" Public Health Advisories: A Survey of Respondents in Maryland.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32697423|t=2020. Challenges posed by COVID-19 to people who inject drugs and lessons from other outbreaks.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32686372|t=2020. Psychological Impact of Quarantine on Caregivers at a Children's Hospital for Contact with Case of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32651254|t=2020. When patients refuse COVID-19 testing, quarantine, and social distancing in inpatient psychiatry: clinical and ethical challenges.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32716899|t=2020. Mental health disorders and associated risk factors in quarantined adults during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: a cross-sectional study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32716900|t=2020. Advance care planning among users of a patient portal during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A retrospective observational study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32716895|t=2020. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Partner relationships, Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Cross-sectional Online Survey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32701459|t=2020. What Media Helps, What Media Hurts: A Mixed Methods Survey Study of Coping with COVID-19 Using the Media Repertoire Framework and the Appraisal Theory of Stress.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32687061|t=2020. The Effects of Internet Hospitals on Psychological Burden and Disease Cognition during the early outbreak of COVID-19 in China: cross-sectional survey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32704376|t=2020. Mental health issues impacting pharmacists during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32681398|t=2020. Identifying Moral Injury in Healthcare Professionals: The Moral Injury Symptom Scale-HP.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32651728|t=2020. A Look at the First Quarantined Community in the USA: Response of Religious Communal Organizations and Implications for Public Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32653391|t=2020. Love in the Time of COVID-19: Sexual Function and Quality of Life Analysis During the Social Distancing Measures in a Group of Italian Reproductive-Age Women.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32680610|t=2020. Lessons from COVID 19: Are we finally ready to make opioid treatment accessible?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658857|t=2020. COVID-19 and telepsychiatry: an evidence-based guidance for clinicians.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32678797|t=2020. Digital or Digitally Delivered Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32711683|t=2020. COVID-19: from a PHEIC to a public mental health crisis?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32674888|t=2020. Salud emocional del personal sanitario del Area de Urgencias durante la pandemia COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32673303|t=2020. Factors Associated with Cloth Face Covering Use Among Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, April and May 2020.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32698850|t=2020. Coping, fostering resilience, and driving care innovation for autistic people and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32681098|t=2020. A projection for psychiatry in the post-COVID-19 era: potential trends, challenges, and directions.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32663793|t=2020. Adherence to social distancing and use of personal protective equipment and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32702641|t=2020. Psychological status of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis during coronavirus disease-2019 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32666406|t=2020. The emotional impact of COVID-19 outbreak in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: evaluation of depression, anxiety and interoceptive awareness.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32702065|t=2020. Students under lockdown: Comparisons of students' social networks and mental health before and during the COVID-19 crisis in Switzerland.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32717671|t=2020. Factors influencing health behaviours during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China: an extended information-motivation-behaviour skills model.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32701924|t=2020. Covid-19 pandemic impact on mental health of vulnerable populations.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32701923|t=2020. The homes in the COVID-19 era. How their use and values are changing.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32662415|t=2020. Grief and Mourning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32663325|t=2020. The impacts of COVID-19 on children.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32716520|t=2020. Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32659855|t=2020. COVID-19-related self-harm and suicidality among individuals with mental disorders.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32696066|t=2020. Reckoning With the Relation Between Stressors and Suicide Attempts in a Time of Covid-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32696034|t=2020. Financial Strain and Risk of Suicide in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32713754|t=2020. The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity in Older Adults Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32672890|t=2020. COVID-19, crisis, and emotional stress: A biocultural perspective of their impact on growth and development for the next generation.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32713835|t=2020. Is risk compensation threatening public health in the covid-19 pandemic?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32656926|t=2020. Risk factors for psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel: Loneliness, age, gender, and health status play an important role.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32683689|t=2020. Research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32652525|t=2020. Long-term suicide prevention during and after the COVID-19 epidemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32700546|t=2020. COVID-19 and Depressive Symptoms: A Community-based Study in Quebec, Canada.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32662303|t=2020. Impacts of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health, Substance Use, and Well-being: A Rapid Survey of Clinical and Community Samples: Repercussions de la COVID-19 sur la sante mentale, l'utilisation de substances et le bien-etre des adolescents : un sondage rapide d'echantillons cliniques et communautaires.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32654361|t=2020. Debate: COVID-19 and psychological well-being of children and adolescents in Italy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32660352|t=2020. COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: cause of sleep disruption, depression, somatic pain, and increased screen exposure of office workers and students of India.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32667117|t=2020. Living in the midst of fear: Depressive symptomatology among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32667106|t=2020. A health care workers mental health crisis line in the age of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32667081|t=2020. U.S. Census Bureau-assessed prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in 2019 and during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32654248|t=2020. Does COVID-19 influence sexual behaviors?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32663322|t=2020. Rituals in the Time of COVID-19: Imagination, Responsiveness, and the Human Spirit.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32662715|t=2020. Work related stress factors among healthcare professionals during COVID-19 pandemic; a call for immediate action.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32710534|t=2020. Lung Ultrasound in COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32669150|t=2020. The utility of chest CT and RT-PCR screening of asymptomatic patients for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) prior to semi-urgent or urgent hospital procedures.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32657190|t=2020. Extension of COVID-19 pulmonary parenchyma lesions based on real-life visual assessment on initial chest CT is an independent predictor of poor patient outcome.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32672078|t=2020. Psychological effect of COVID-19 on medical health-care workers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658015|t=2020. Responding to Health Care Professionals' Mental Health Needs During COVID-19 Through the Rapid Implementation of Project ECHO.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32652791|t=2020. STIs and the COVID-19 pandemic: the lockdown does not stop sexual infections.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32710481|t=2020. Mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658054|t=2020. Job Insecurity and Financial Concern during the COVID-19 Pandemic are Associated with Worse Mental Health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32657469|t=2020. Is the mental health of young students and their family members affected during the quarantine period? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Albania.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32701132|t=2020. Managing Grief, Loss, and Connection in Oncology-What COVID-19 Has Taken.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32710536|t=2020. Factors Influencing Anxiety of Health Care Workers in the Radiology Department with High Exposure Risk to COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32720801|t=2020. Covid-19 and mental health in the obstetric population: a lesson from a case of puerperal psychosis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32709736|t=2020. COVID-19 and Youth Impacted by Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32651280|t=2020. Working memory capacity predicts individual differences in social-distancing compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688427|t=2020. Teilhabemoglichkeit, Partizipation, Inklusion und psychisches Befinden im Zusammenhang mit Ausgangsbeschrankungen aufgrund SARS-CoV-2.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32697002|t=2020. The acute impact of the pandemic of COVID-19 on the phenomenological features in the full or partial remitted patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32691955|t=2020. Post-traumatic stress symptoms among medical rescue workers exposed to COVID-19 in Japan.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32686896|t=2020. Exploring student mental health and intention to use online counselling in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688420|t=2020. Anpassungsstorung, Depression, Stresssymptome, Corona bezogene Sorgen und Bewaltigungsstrategien wahrend der Corona Pandemie (COVID-19) bei Schweizer Klinikpersonal.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688419|t=2020. Psychotherapie in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie - Eine kurze Reflexion.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32678901|t=2020. Psychosocial and coping responses towards 2019 coronavirus diseases (COVID-19): a cross-sectional study within the Chinese general population.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658880|t=2020. Telepsichiatria negli adulti e negli adolescenti: uno strumento utile contro la CoViD-19.|pdf=|usr=}}

PMC7364169 1. Coronavirus disease 2019: What could be the effects on Road safety?

Accid Anal Prev 2020; 144 (ä): 105687


PMC7364168 2. Adolescent driving behavior before and during restrictions related to COVID-19.

Accid Anal Prev 2020; 144 (ä): 105686


PMC7320671 3. Drinking to cope with the pandemic: The unique associations of COVID-19-related perceived threat and psychological distress to drinking behaviors in American men and women.

Addict Behav 2020; 110 (ä): 106532


PMC7319914 4. Substance use and abuse associated with the behavioral immune system during COVID-19: The special case of healthcare workers and essential workers.

Addict Behav 2020; 110 (ä): 106522


PMC7319610 5. Changes in alcohol use as a function of psychological distress and social support following COVID-19 related University closings.

Addict Behav 2020; 110 (ä): 106527


PMC7320675 6. Grief and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Older Adults.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7376343 7. Facing the Change Together: Reflections of Coping and Resilience From American Geriatric Psychiatrists During COVID-19.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7334638 8. Cross-lagged analysis of the interplay between meaning in life and positive mental health during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102278


PMC7330593 9. Mental health implications of COVID-19 on children with disabilities.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102273


PMC7357501 10. The neuropsychological impact of E-learning on children.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102306


PMC7352109 11. Stigma, exclusion, and mental health during COVID19: 2 cases from the Philippines.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102292


PMC7366518 12. Mental health status among family members of health care workers in Ningbo, China, during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak: a cross-sectional study.

BMC Psychiatry 2020; 20 (1): 379


PMC7364127 13. Anxiety symptoms and preventive measures during the COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan.

BMC Psychiatry 2020; 20 (1): 376


PMC7380160 14. Psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on staff in a dental teaching hospital.

Br Dent J 2020; 229 (2): 127-132


PMC7360935 15. Abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Br J Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 1-4


PMC7362867 16. Factors related to mental health of inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China.

Brain Behav Immun 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7366123 17. Transcranial direct current stimulation relieves the severe anxiety of a patient with COVID-19.

Brain Stimul 2020; 13 (5): 1352-1353


18. Individuals with untreated psychiatric disorders and suicide in the COVID-19 era.

Braz J Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7365150 19. Supporting patient and clinician mental health during COVID-19: Via trauma-informed interdisciplinary systems.

Can Fam Physician 2020; 66 (7): e190-e192


PMC7356132 20. Collateral damage: Fear from SARS-CoV2-infection causing Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Clin Res Cardiol 2020; ä (ä): ä


21. Suicide Research, Prevention, and COVID-19.

Crisis 2020; ä (ä): 1-10


PMC7335838 22. Global burden of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.

ERJ Open Res 2020; 6 (2): ä


PMC7335836 23. Editorial comment on: Global burden of COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.

ERJ Open Res 2020; 6 (2): ä


PMC7371788 24. Associations between COVID-19 related media consumption and symptoms of anxiety, depression and COVID-19 related fear in the general population in Germany.

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7358697 25. From economic crisis to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: evidence from a mental health helpline in Greece.

Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7368628 26. Supporting children of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7357258 27. Pediatrician, watch out for corona-phobia.

Eur J Pediatr 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7366178 28. Characteristics and Outcomes of Health and Social Care workers testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the Tayside region of Scotland.

Eur Respir J 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7340026 29. Behavioral interventions in acute COVID-19 recovery: A new opportunity for integrated care.

Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7348110 30. When altruists cannot help: the influence of altruism on the mental health of university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Global Health 2020; 16 (1): 61


PMC7334749 31. Necessity of Attention to Mental Health of the Front Line Nurses against COVID-19: A Forgotten Requirement.

Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery 2020; 8 (3): 280-281


PMC7334745 32. Considerations for Mitigation of the Psychological Impacts of COVID-19 in Older Adults.

Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery 2020; 8 (3): 277-279


33. Physical Activity, Screen Time, and Emotional Well-Being during the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in China.

Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17 (14): ä


PMC7348102 34. Social inequalities and collateral damages of the COVID-19 pandemic: when basic needs challenge mental health care.

Int J Public Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7383093 35. Puppy love in the time of Corona: Dog ownership protects against loneliness for those living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 20764020944195


36. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on socioeconomic and mental health aspects in Nepal.

Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 20764020942247


PMC7355205 37. COVID-19 pandemic and psychological fatigue in Turkey.

Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 20764020941889


PMC7365601 38. Mental health of orthopaedic trauma patients during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Int Orthop 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7368647 39. What Does Adolescent Substance Use Look Like During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Examining Changes in Frequency, Social Contexts, and Pandemic-Related Predictors.

J Adolesc Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7367774 40. Unintended Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Youth.

J Adolesc Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


41. Older Adults' Intention to Socially Isolate Once COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders Are Replaced With "Safer-at-Home" Public Health Advisories: A Survey of Respondents in Maryland.

J Appl Gerontol 2020; ä (ä): 733464820944704


PMC7375066 42. Challenges posed by COVID-19 to people who inject drugs and lessons from other outbreaks.

J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23 (7): e25583


PMC7371455 43. Psychological Impact of Quarantine on Caregivers at a Children's Hospital for Contact with Case of COVID-19.

J Korean Med Sci 2020; 35 (28): e255


PMC7371475 44. When patients refuse COVID-19 testing, quarantine, and social distancing in inpatient psychiatry: clinical and ethical challenges.

J Med Ethics 2020; ä (ä): ä


45. Mental health disorders and associated risk factors in quarantined adults during the COVID-19 outbreak in China: a cross-sectional study.

J Med Internet Res 2020; ä (ä): ä


46. Advance care planning among users of a patient portal during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A retrospective observational study.

J Med Internet Res 2020; ä (ä): ä


47. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Partner relationships, Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Cross-sectional Online Survey.

J Med Internet Res 2020; ä (ä): ä


48. What Media Helps, What Media Hurts: A Mixed Methods Survey Study of Coping with COVID-19 Using the Media Repertoire Framework and the Appraisal Theory of Stress.

J Med Internet Res 2020; ä (ä): ä


49. The Effects of Internet Hospitals on Psychological Burden and Disease Cognition during the early outbreak of COVID-19 in China: cross-sectional survey.

J Med Internet Res 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7374072 50. Mental health issues impacting pharmacists during COVID-19.

J Pharm Policy Pract 2020; 13 (ä): 46


PMC7366883 51. Identifying Moral Injury in Healthcare Professionals: The Moral Injury Symptom Scale-HP.

J Relig Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7347758 52. A Look at the First Quarantined Community in the USA: Response of Religious Communal Organizations and Implications for Public Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

J Relig Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7342024 53. Love in the Time of COVID-19: Sexual Function and Quality of Life Analysis During the Social Distancing Measures in a Group of Italian Reproductive-Age Women.

J Sex Med 2020; 17 (8): 1407-1413


PMC7336118 54. Lessons from COVID 19: Are we finally ready to make opioid treatment accessible?

J Subst Abuse Treat 2020; ä (ä): 108074


55. COVID-19 and telepsychiatry: an evidence-based guidance for clinicians.

JMIR Ment Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


56. Digital or Digitally Delivered Responses to Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19.

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020; 6 (3): e19831


PMC7377773 57. COVID-19: from a PHEIC to a public mental health crisis?

Lancet Public Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7318973 58. Salud emocional del personal sanitario del Area de Urgencias durante la pandemia COVID-19.

Med Clin (Barc) 2020; ä (ä): ä


59. Factors Associated with Cloth Face Covering Use Among Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, April and May 2020.

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020; 69 (28): 933-937


PMC7374665 60. Coping, fostering resilience, and driving care innovation for autistic people and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Mol Autism 2020; 11 (1): 61


PMC7366480 61. A projection for psychiatry in the post-COVID-19 era: potential trends, challenges, and directions.

Mol Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7333605 62. Adherence to social distancing and use of personal protective equipment and the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis.

Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020; 45 (ä): 102359


PMC7365115 63. Psychological status of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis during coronavirus disease-2019 outbreak.

Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020; 45 (ä): 102407


PMC7359442 64. The emotional impact of COVID-19 outbreak in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: evaluation of depression, anxiety and interoceptive awareness.

Neurol Sci 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7377438 65. Students under lockdown: Comparisons of students' social networks and mental health before and during the COVID-19 crisis in Switzerland.

PLoS One 2020; 15 (7): e0236337


PMC7346793 66. Factors influencing health behaviours during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China: an extended information-motivation-behaviour skills model.

Public Health 2020; 185 (ä): 298-305


67. Covid-19 pandemic impact on mental health of vulnerable populations.

Acta Biomed 2020; 91 (9-S): 95-96


68. The homes in the COVID-19 era. How their use and values are changing.

Acta Biomed 2020; 91 (9-S): 92-94


69. Grief and Mourning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal.

Acta Med Port 2020; ä (ä): ä


70. The impacts of COVID-19 on children.

Acta Paediatr 2020; ä (ä): ä


71. Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acta Psychiatr Scand 2020; ä (ä): ä


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{{tp|p=32672917|t=2020. The escalation of the opioid epidemic due to COVID-19 and resulting lessons about treatment alternatives.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32703079|t=2020. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Alcohol Use Disorders in Iran.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32696154|t=2020. COVID-19 and Sexuality: Reinventing Intimacy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32667221|t=2020. Social Distancing and Outdoor Physical Activity During the COVID-19 Outbreak in South Korea: Implications for Physical Distancing Strategies.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32659656|t=2020. The heterogeneity of grief in India during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the national lockdown.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32683251|t=2020. Burnout: A risk factor amongst mental health professionals during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32659658|t=2020. "Is compulsive social media use amid COVID-19 pandemic addictive behavior or coping mechanism?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32679530|t=2020. Perceived stress and anxiety during COVID-19 among psychiatry trainees.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32653855|t=2020. Maternal mental health in Nepal and its prioritization during COVID-19 pandemic: Missing the obvious.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32682300|t=2020. Potential changes to the hikikimori phenomenon in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32679531|t=2020. Comment on psychological interventions during COVID-19: Challenges for Iraqi Kurdistan.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32668388|t=2020. Prevalence of and factors associated with mental health problems and suicidality among senior high school students in rural China during the COVID-19 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32653851|t=2020. Psychosocial support for healthcare frontliners during COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32703003|t=2020. Ensuring older Australians remain socially connected during the COVID-19 isolation period.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32669158|t=2020. The Effects of COVID-19 on Self-harm in UK Prisons.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32698923|t=2020. Proximity to people with COVID-19 and anxiety among community residents during the epidemic in Guangzhou, China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32696734|t=2020. Associations between psychiatric disorders, COVID-19 testing probability and COVID-19 testing results: Findings from a population-based study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688023|t=2020. Stress and anxiety among university students in France during Covid-19 mandatory confinement.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32688022|t=2020. The psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the general population of Saudi Arabia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32651717|t=2020. The Psychological Impact of Epidemic and Pandemic Outbreaks on Healthcare Workers: Rapid Review of the Evidence.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32690384|t=2020. An integrated and intergenerational community response to promote holistic wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32676492|t=2020. Psychosocial and Socio-Economic Crisis in Bangladesh Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perception-Based Assessment.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32689925|t=2020. Physical and mental health impacts of COVID-19 on healthcare workers: a scoping review.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32650409|t=2020. Conspiracy Beliefs Are Associated with Lower Knowledge and Higher Anxiety Levels Regarding COVID-19 among Students at the University of Jordan.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32674416|t=2020. Subjective Overload and Psychological Distress among Dentists during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32674361|t=2020. Mental Health and Work Attitudes among People Resuming Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32674285|t=2020. Social Distancing among Medical Students during the 2019 Coronavirus Disease Pandemic in China: Disease Awareness, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, and Behavioral Activities.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32668635|t=2020. How Does a Public Health Emergency Motivate People's Impulsive Consumption? An Empirical Study during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32664388|t=2020. Modeling Spatiotemporal Pattern of Depressive Symptoms Caused by COVID-19 Using Social Media Data Mining.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32712069|t=2020. Psychological stress among health care professionals during the 2019 novel coronavirus disease Outbreak: Cases from online consulting customers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658829|t=2020. Coping behaviors associated with decreased anxiety and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658828|t=2020. Learning from COVID-19 pandemic in northen italy: Impact on mental health and clinical care.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658826|t=2020. Mental health status of individuals with a mood-disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: Initial results from the COLLATE project.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658825|t=2020. The association of being in quarantine and related COVID-19 recommended and non-recommended behaviors with psychological distress in Chinese population.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658818|t=2020. Prevalence of depression and its association with quality of life in clinically stable patients with COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658814|t=2020. Hotline services in China during COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32658813|t=2020. Prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of depression in quarantined population during the COVID-19 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32658811|t=2020. The loneliness pandemic: Loneliness and other concomitants of depression, anxiety and their comorbidity during the COVID-19 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32697713|t=2020. Panic and generalized anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic among Bangladeshi people: An online pilot survey early in the outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32673930|t=2020. Do pre-existing anxiety-related and mood disorders differentially impact COVID-19 stress responses and coping?|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32708495|t=2020. Substance Use Disorder in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review of Vulnerabilities and Complications.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32706943|t=2020. Depressive Realism and Functional Fear: An Alternative Perspective on Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32707216|t=2020. Child and adolescent mental illness during COVID-19: A rapid review.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32702553|t=2020. Clinical course and predictors in patients with borderline personality disorder during the COVID-19 outbreak: A 2.5-month naturalistic exploratory study in Spain.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32717710|t=2020. University students' changes in mental health status and determinants of behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32707218|t=2020. Risk factors associated with mental illness in hospital discharged patients infected with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32699204|t=2020. Impacto del SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) en la salud mental de los profesionales sanitarios: una revision sistematica.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32660296|t=2020. New Challenges in Addiction Medicine: COVID-19 Infection in Patients With Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders-The Perfect Storm.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32662398|t=2020. Attitudes, Anxiety, and Behavioral Practices Regarding COVID-19 among University Students in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32673008|t=2020. Negative cognitive and psychological correlates of mandatory quarantine during the initial COVID-19 outbreak in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32706595|t=2020. Combat Stress Management and Resilience: Adapting Department of Defense Combat Lessons Learned to Civilian Healthcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32674644|t=2020. Experiences and psychosocial problems of nurses caring for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in Turkey: A qualitative study.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32707513|t=2020. COVID-19 and the need for child and adolescent telepsychiatry services, a case report.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32666713|t=2020. Resilience, Social Support, and Coping as Mediators between COVID-19-related Stressful Experiences and Acute Stress Disorder among College Students in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32666093|t=2020. Inter Organizational Practice Committee Recommendations/Guidance for Teleneuropsychology in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemicdagger.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32709684|t=2020. Outbreak of anorexia nervosa admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32663797|t=2020. Why involvement of mental health professionals and screening for past mental illness is important in persons with COVID-19 infection: A case report.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32682303|t=2020. Hospital suicide due to non-treatment by healthcare staff fearing COVID-19 infection in Bangladesh?|pdf=|usr=}}

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