This bibliography shows the most interesting papers selected from pmc PubMedCentral which were newly included in covid011Y
It is available online and for download at
Skewed: Nephrology, Rheumatology, Immunology, Cell Biology, Research Methods. on-topic and educational Clinical Medicine.
The full table of all monthly collections is: at
PMC searches were done at

{{tp|p=32571648|t=2020. COVID-19 Impact on Well-Being and Education in Radiology Residencies: A Survey of the Association of Program Directors in Radiology.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32319879|t=2020. The depressive state of Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32313846|t=2020. Fear in the age of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32412535|t=2020. COVID-19: fight or flight.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32398894|t=2020. "If the virus doesn't kill me...": socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on rural working people in the Global South.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32565007|t=2020. COVID-19: Clinical Challenges in Dutch Geriatric Psychiatry.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32561276|t=2020. COVID-19-Related Loneliness and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Older Adults: The Buffering Role of Subjective Age.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32425467|t=2020. A Geriatric Psychiatry Virtual Rotation during Covid-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32576418|t=2020. Relationships Between Initial COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Protective Health Behaviors: A National Survey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32314700|t=2020. Reflections on Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Six Lessons from Working in Resource-Denied Settings.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32537614|t=2020. A junior doctor's experience of critical illness: from treating patients to becoming a patient with COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32597102|t=2020. COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on sexual life: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Andrology.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540751|t=2020. COVID-19, a pandemic that affects more than just physical health: Two case reports.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32599546|t=2020. Prevalence of anxiety and depression among the healthcare workers in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32603985|t=2020. The wounded healer: A narrative review of the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32599544|t=2020. Lockdown of 1.3 billion people in India during Covid-19 pandemic: A survey of its impact on mental health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32570096|t=2020. COVID-19 and stigma: Social discrimination towards frontline healthcare providers and COVID-19 recovered patients in Nepal.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574940|t=2020. Mental health among COVID-19 survivors: Are we overlooking the biological links?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563109|t=2020. COVID 19 draws attention to the adaptive evolutionary perspective of certain personality traits.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563108|t=2020. China's experience on mental health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563105|t=2020. Ethical standards for telemental health must be maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544820|t=2020. Designing a psychological preparedness toolkit for healthcare workers in the wake of COVID-19: A Singapore perspective.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553277|t=2020. Chloroquine-Induced First-Episode Psychosis in a Patient Self-medicated for COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540965|t=2020. Income security during public health emergencies: the COVID-19 poverty trap in Vietnam.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540963|t=2020. Income security during periods of ill health: a scoping review of policies, practice and coverage in low-income and middle-income countries.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32591703|t=2020. COVID-19, domestic violence and abuse, and urgent dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery care.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32564418|t=2020. Pylons ablaze: Examining the role of 5G COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and support for violence.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540452|t=2020. Deep brain stimulation telemedicine for psychiatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32374797|t=2020. An updated systematic review on the coronavirus pandemic: lessons for psychiatry.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605847|t=2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and suicide by self-immolation: Is risk increasing?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32550035|t=2020. A Case Report of Suicide Attempt Caused by Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder during the COVID-19 Outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32606049|t=2020. Burnout of healthcare providers during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32594756|t=2020. Business as usual? Psychological support at a distance.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32401964|t=2020. A company doctor's role during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32575063|t=2020. Long-term social distancing during COVID-19: A social isolation crisis among seniors?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32575062|t=2020. Supporting children with autism spectrum disorder in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32392498|t=2020. Parents on the front lines of COVID-19 face tough choices.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540735|t=2020. COVID-19 and addiction.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32570016|t=2020. Application of cognitive Internet of Medical Things for COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32571661|t=2020. Factores relacionados con el contagio por SARS-CoV-2 en profesionales de la salud en Espana. Proyecto SANICOVI.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32451251|t=2020. CoVID-19 vs. epilepsy: It is time to move, act, and encourage physical exercise.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32398253|t=2020. Brief letter of a doctor to his psychologist in the COVID-19 outbreak era.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32607631|t=2020. Intimate partner violence crisis in the COVID-19 pandemic: how can radiologists make a difference?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605264|t=2020. Psycho-Emotional Approach to the Psychological Distress Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595070|t=2020. An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605250|t=2020. Design and Psychometric Analysis of the COVID-19 Prevention, Recognition and Home-Management Self-Efficacy Scale.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32599911|t=2020. Is Lockdown Bad for Social Anxiety in COVID-19 Regions?: A National Study in The SOR Perspective.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605422|t=2020. Determining depression and related factors in a society affected by COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32607932|t=2020. Trying Times and Trying Out Solutions: Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Support for Women Veterans During COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32606909|t=2020. Manifestation of Borderline Personality Symptomatology in Chronic Pain Patients Under Stress: An Understated and Exacerbated Consequence of the COVID-19 Crisis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32607842|t=2020. Time to Reconsider Diverse Ways of Working in Japan to Promote Social Distancing Measures against the COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32609353|t=2020. Prevalence of and Risk Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms Among the General Population in China During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593730|t=2020. The impact of the Great Recession on California domestic violence events, and related hospitalizations and emergency service visits.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593851|t=2020. The experience of prevention measures taken by the psychiatric hospital during the emergence of asymptomatic patients with COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605443|t=2020. The Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 on Health Care Providers in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32608474|t=2020. Social Distancing as a Health Behavior: County-Level Movement in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Associated with Conventional Health Behaviors.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32570100|t=2020. Mental health and psychological impact of COVID-19: Potential high-risk factors among different groups.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32539247|t=2020. Domestic violence and COVID-19: Our hidden epidemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32592230|t=2020. COVID-19 puts the spotlight on food insecurity in rural and remote Australia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32217624|t=2020. Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32601100|t=2020. Covid-19: healthcare students face unique mental health challenges.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32586806|t=2020. Domestic violence during COVID-19: the GP role.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32586803|t=2020. COVID-19 cumulative mortality rates for frontline healthcare staff in England.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32588949|t=2020. Understanding face mask use to prevent coronavirus and other illnesses: Development of a multidimensional face mask perceptions scale.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32583540|t=2020. Looking out for myself: Exploring the relationship between conspiracy mentality, perceived personal risk, and COVID-19 prevention measures.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32573074|t=2020. Daily emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32579455|t=2020. Burnout: a continuing problem.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32588644|t=2020. The Spread of COVID-19 in the Italian Population: Anxiety, Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32567353|t=2020. COVID-19 Impacts on Child and Youth Anxiety and Depression: Challenges and Opportunities.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32583925|t=2020. Unmasking psychological reasons of delay in acute coronary syndromes presentation during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32576327|t=2020. Beyond survival: Practical wellness tips during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32576321|t=2020. Emergency Medicine Physician Burnout and Wellness in Canada prior to COVID19: A National Survey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32541605|t=2020. Nature Documentaries: An Antidote to Anxiety and Fear in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32441240|t=2020. Can social isolation caused by physical distance in people with psychosis be overcome through a Phone Pal?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32594521|t=2020. The Challenges of COVID-19 for Divorcing and Post-divorce Families.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32604443|t=2020. Covid-19: Eine Ad hoc Public-Health-Ethikberatung.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596910|t=2020. Dying during Covid-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32559160|t=2020. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Psychiatry.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32602134|t=2020. Virtual psychiatric care for older adults in the age of COVID-19: challenges & opportunities.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32602562|t=2020. Evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental well-being of obstetricians and gynecologists in Turkey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32603643|t=2020. Focus on Depression and Suicide in the Era of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32538320|t=2020. Unclaimed Defined Benefit Pensions Can Help COVID-19 Economic Recovery.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32515992|t=2020. Challenges for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research in the Era of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32515347|t=2020. Sleep quality among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605453|t=2020. Diagnosed With COVID-19, Nope Just Cabin Fever: The Fundamentals of Staying at Home.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32590430|t=2020. How do we Find a 'New Normal' for Industry and Business After COVID-19 Shut Downs?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32515867|t=2020. CHILD ABUSE: A HIDDEN CRISIS DURING COVID-19 QUARANTINE.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32558609|t=2020. Mortality and psychological stress in pregnant and postnatal women during COVID-19 outbreak in West Sumatra, Indonesia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32314660|t=2020. Preparing for COVID-19's aftermath: simple steps to address social determinants of health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32573258|t=2020. Distress and anxiety associated with COVID-19 among Jewish and Arab pregnant women in Israel.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596936|t=2020. Covid-19 health crisis and lockdown associated with high level of sleep complaints and hypnotic uptake at the population level.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32590533|t=2020. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers' mental health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32597925|t=2020. Attitudes and Psychological Factors Associated With News Monitoring, Social Distancing, Disinfecting, and Hoarding Behaviors Among US Adolescents During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32579160|t=2020. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak and Mental Health: Current Risks and Recommended Actions.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563299|t=2020. Recognising and addressing the impact of COVID-19 on obsessive-compulsive disorder.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32600957|t=2020. Changes in food choice following restrictive measures due to Covid-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32606018|t=2020. How should data on airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 change occupational health guidelines?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32513064|t=2020. The Pandemic Effect: Raising the Bar for Ethics, Empathy, and Professional Collegiality.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32594950|t=2020. Mental Health in Chronic Disease Patients during the COVID-19 Quarantine in Greece.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32599607|t=2020. Acute-on-chronic stress in the time of COVID-19: assessment considerations for vulnerable youth populations.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32602165|t=2020. The next pandemic: COVID-19 mental health pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32600183|t=2020. Psychiatric Training During a Global Pandemic: How COVID-19 Has Affected Clinical Care, Teaching, and Trainee Well-Being.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605506|t=2020. Dynamic Trainee Support for Residents Involved in COVID-19 Treatment and Response.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32602150|t=2020. Alcohol Use in Australia during the Early Days of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Initial results from the COLLATE project.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32609417|t=2020. Dramatic reduction of psychiatric emergency consultations during lockdown linked to COVID-19 in Paris and suburbs.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32609413|t=2020. Mental Health Status of the General Population in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32609409|t=2020. Anxiety and depression in patients with confirmed and suspected COVID-19 in Ecuador.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593807|t=2020. The problem of medical-psychiatric illness in the homeless and its occurrence in the midst of a viral pandemic: A commentary.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544650|t=2020. Aggregated COVID-19 suicide incidences in India: Fear of COVID-19 infection is the prominent causative factor.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540747|t=2020. COVID-19 suicidal behavior among couples and suicide pacts: Case study evidence from press reports.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540750|t=2020. Fear of COVID-19 scale: Psychometric characteristics, reliability and validity in the Israeli population.|pdf=|usr=}}

PMC7293482 1. COVID-19 Impact on Well-Being and Education in Radiology Residencies: A Survey of the Association of Program Directors in Radiology.

Acad Radiol 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7176490 2. The depressive state of Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acta Neuropsychiatr 2020; ä (ä): 1-3


PMC7166020 3. Fear in the age of COVID-19.

Adv Radiat Oncol 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7220582 4. COVID-19: fight or flight.

Agric Human Values 2020; ä (ä): 1-2


PMC7214850 5. "If the virus doesn't kill me...": socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on rural working people in the Global South.

Agric Human Values 2020; ä (ä): 1-2


PMC7255180 6. COVID-19: Clinical Challenges in Dutch Geriatric Psychiatry.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7251397 7. COVID-19-Related Loneliness and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Older Adults: The Buffering Role of Subjective Age.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7227492 8. A Geriatric Psychiatry Virtual Rotation during Covid-19.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7242956 9. Relationships Between Initial COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Protective Health Behaviors: A National Survey.

Am J Prev Med 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7253143 10. Reflections on Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Six Lessons from Working in Resource-Denied Settings.

Am J Trop Med Hyg 2020; 102 (6): 1178-1180


PMC7286718 11. A junior doctor's experience of critical illness: from treating patients to becoming a patient with COVID-19.

Anaesth Rep 2020; 8 (1): 59-62


12. COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on sexual life: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Andrology.

Arch Ital Urol Androl 2020; 92 (2): ä


PMC7282747 13. COVID-19, a pandemic that affects more than just physical health: Two case reports.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102200


PMC7313505 14. Prevalence of anxiety and depression among the healthcare workers in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102260


PMC7305497 15. The wounded healer: A narrative review of the mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102258


PMC7301781 16. Lockdown of 1.3 billion people in India during Covid-19 pandemic: A survey of its impact on mental health.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 54 (ä): 102213


PMC7293527 17. COVID-19 and stigma: Social discrimination towards frontline healthcare providers and COVID-19 recovered patients in Nepal.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102222


PMC7290226 18. Mental health among COVID-19 survivors: Are we overlooking the biological links?

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102217


PMC7291968 19. COVID 19 draws attention to the adaptive evolutionary perspective of certain personality traits.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102215


PMC7291983 20. China's experience on mental health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102205


PMC7291973 21. Ethical standards for telemental health must be maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102218


PMC7286254 22. Designing a psychological preparedness toolkit for healthcare workers in the wake of COVID-19: A Singapore perspective.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102204


PMC7265830 23. Chloroquine-Induced First-Episode Psychosis in a Patient Self-medicated for COVID-19.

Biol Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7299029 24. Income security during public health emergencies: the COVID-19 poverty trap in Vietnam.

BMJ Glob Health 2020; 5 (6): ä


PMC7299014 25. Income security during periods of ill health: a scoping review of policies, practice and coverage in low-income and middle-income countries.

BMJ Glob Health 2020; 5 (6): ä


PMC7319221 26. COVID-19, domestic violence and abuse, and urgent dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery care.

Br Dent J 2020; 228 (12): 923-926


PMC7323354 27. Pylons ablaze: Examining the role of 5G COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and support for violence.

Br J Soc Psychol 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7290221 28. Deep brain stimulation telemedicine for psychiatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brain Stimul 2020; 13 (5): 1263-1264


PMC7236157 29. An updated systematic review on the coronavirus pandemic: lessons for psychiatry.

Braz J Psychiatry 2020; 42 (3): 330-331


PMC7305707 30. The COVID-19 pandemic and suicide by self-immolation: Is risk increasing?

Burns 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7275215 31. A Case Report of Suicide Attempt Caused by Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder during the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Case Rep Psychiatry 2020; 2020 (ä): 4320647


32. Burnout of healthcare providers during COVID-19.

Cleve Clin J Med 2020; ä (ä): ä


33. Business as usual? Psychological support at a distance.

Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 1359104520937378


PMC7196725 34. A company doctor's role during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2020; 75 (ä): e1921


PMC7259965 35. Long-term social distancing during COVID-19: A social isolation crisis among seniors?

CMAJ 2020; 192 (21): E588


PMC7259976 36. Supporting children with autism spectrum disorder in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CMAJ 2020; 192 (21): E587


PMC7207190 37. Parents on the front lines of COVID-19 face tough choices.

CMAJ 2020; 192 (17): E467-E468


PMC7282772 38. COVID-19 and addiction.

Diabetes Metab Syndr 2020; 14 (5): 817-823


PMC7287427 39. Application of cognitive Internet of Medical Things for COVID-19 pandemic.

Diabetes Metab Syndr 2020; 14 (5): 911-915


PMC7247504 40. Factores relacionados con el contagio por SARS-CoV-2 en profesionales de la salud en Espana. Proyecto SANICOVI.

Enferm Clin 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7196429 41. CoVID-19 vs. epilepsy: It is time to move, act, and encourage physical exercise.

Epilepsy Behav 2020; ä (ä): 107154


PMC7223352 42. Brief letter of a doctor to his psychologist in the COVID-19 outbreak era.

ESMO Open 2020; 5 (3): ä


PMC7326304 43. Intimate partner violence crisis in the COVID-19 pandemic: how can radiologists make a difference?

Eur Radiol 2020; ä (ä): ä


44. Psycho-Emotional Approach to the Psychological Distress Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study.

Healthcare (Basel) 2020; 8 (3): ä


PMC7306748 45. An urgent impetus for action: safe inhalation interventions to reduce COVID-19 transmission and fatality risk among people who smoke crack cocaine in the United Kingdom.

Int J Drug Policy 2020; ä (ä): 102829


46. Design and Psychometric Analysis of the COVID-19 Prevention, Recognition and Home-Management Self-Efficacy Scale.

Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17 (13): ä


47. Is Lockdown Bad for Social Anxiety in COVID-19 Regions?: A National Study in The SOR Perspective.

Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020; 17 (12): ä


PMC7331110 48. Determining depression and related factors in a society affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 20764020938807


PMC7325833 49. Trying Times and Trying Out Solutions: Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Support for Women Veterans During COVID-19.

J Gen Intern Med 2020; ä (ä): ä


PMC7304780 50. Manifestation of Borderline Personality Symptomatology in Chronic Pain Patients Under Stress: An Understated and Exacerbated Consequence of the COVID-19 Crisis.

J Pain Res 2020; 13 (ä): 1431-1439


PMC7325638 51. Time to Reconsider Diverse Ways of Working in Japan to Promote Social Distancing Measures against the COVID-19.

J Urban Health 2020; ä (ä): ä


52. Prevalence of and Risk Factors Associated With Mental Health Symptoms Among the General Population in China During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.

JAMA Netw Open 2020; 3 (7): e2014053


PMC7315959 53. The impact of the Great Recession on California domestic violence events, and related hospitalizations and emergency service visits.

Prev Med 2020; 139 (ä): 106186


PMC7261078 54. The experience of prevention measures taken by the psychiatric hospital during the emergence of asymptomatic patients with COVID-19.

Psychiatry Res 2020; 291 (ä): 113109


55. The Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 on Health Care Providers in China.

Am J Psychiatry 2020; 177 (7): 635-636


56. Social Distancing as a Health Behavior: County-Level Movement in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Associated with Conventional Health Behaviors.

Ann Behav Med 2020; ä (ä): ä


57. Mental health and psychological impact of COVID-19: Potential high-risk factors among different groups.

Asian J Psychiatr 2020; 53 (ä): 102212


58. Domestic violence and COVID-19: Our hidden epidemic.

Aust J Gen Pract 2020; 49 (ä): ä


59. COVID-19 puts the spotlight on food insecurity in rural and remote Australia.

Aust J Rural Health 2020; 28 (3): 319-320


60. Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic.

BMJ 2020; 368 (ä): m1211


61. Covid-19: healthcare students face unique mental health challenges.

BMJ 2020; 369 (ä): m2491


PMC7319696 62. Domestic violence during COVID-19: the GP role.

Br J Gen Pract 2020; 70 (696): 340


PMC7319683 63. COVID-19 cumulative mortality rates for frontline healthcare staff in England.

Br J Gen Pract 2020; 70 (696): 327-328


64. Understanding face mask use to prevent coronavirus and other illnesses: Development of a multidimensional face mask perceptions scale.

Br J Health Psychol 2020; ä (ä): ä


65. Looking out for myself: Exploring the relationship between conspiracy mentality, perceived personal risk, and COVID-19 prevention measures.

Br J Health Psychol 2020; ä (ä): ä


66. Daily emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Br J Health Psychol 2020; ä (ä): ä


67. Burnout: a continuing problem.

Br J Nurs 2020; 29 (12): 721


68. The Spread of COVID-19 in the Italian Population: Anxiety, Depression, and Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms.

Can J Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 706743720938598


69. COVID-19 Impacts on Child and Youth Anxiety and Depression: Challenges and Opportunities.

Can J Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): 706743720935646


70. Unmasking psychological reasons of delay in acute coronary syndromes presentation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2020; ä (ä): ä


71. Beyond survival: Practical wellness tips during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CJEM 2020; ä (ä): 1-6


72. Emergency Medicine Physician Burnout and Wellness in Canada prior to COVID19: A National Survey.

CJEM 2020; ä (ä): 1-9


73. Nature Documentaries: An Antidote to Anxiety and Fear in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic.

Clin Nurse Spec 2020; 34 (4): 182-183


74. Can social isolation caused by physical distance in people with psychosis be overcome through a Phone Pal?

Eur Psychiatry 2020; 63 (1): e61


75. The Challenges of COVID-19 for Divorcing and Post-divorce Families.

Fam Process 2020; ä (ä): ä


76. Covid-19: Eine Ad hoc Public-Health-Ethikberatung.

Gesundheitswesen 2020; 82 (6): 507-513


77. Dying during Covid-19.

Hastings Cent Rep 2020; 50 (3): 13-15


78. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Psychiatry.

IEEE Pulse 2020; 11 (3): 2-6


79. Virtual psychiatric care for older adults in the age of COVID-19: challenges & opportunities.

Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; ä (ä): ä


80. Evaluating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental well-being of obstetricians and gynecologists in Turkey.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2020; ä (ä): ä


81. Focus on Depression and Suicide in the Era of COVID-19.

Issues Ment Health Nurs 2020; 41 (7): 559


82. Unclaimed Defined Benefit Pensions Can Help COVID-19 Economic Recovery.

J Aging Soc Policy 2020; 32 (4-5): 488-498


83. Challenges for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research in the Era of COVID-19.

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2020; 30 (5): 280-284


84. Sleep quality among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

J Clin Sleep Med 2020; ä (ä): ä


85. Diagnosed With COVID-19, Nope Just Cabin Fever: The Fundamentals of Staying at Home.

J Diabetes Sci Technol 2020; 14 (4): 805-806


86. How do we Find a 'New Normal' for Industry and Business After COVID-19 Shut Downs?

J Occup Environ Med 2020; ä (ä): ä



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106. Dramatic reduction of psychiatric emergency consultations during lockdown linked to COVID-19 in Paris and suburbs.

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109. The problem of medical-psychiatric illness in the homeless and its occurrence in the midst of a viral pandemic: A commentary.

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110. Aggregated COVID-19 suicide incidences in India: Fear of COVID-19 infection is the prominent causative factor.

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{{tp|p=32524956|t=2020. Infection prevention guidelines and considerations for paediatric risk groups when reopening primary schools during COVID-19 pandemic, Norway, April 2020.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32566139|t=2020. The consequence of COVID-19 on the global supply of medical products: Why Indian generics matter for the world?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32562472|t=2020. COVID-19 and finance: Agendas for future research.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32550843|t=2020. Safe haven or risky hazard? Bitcoin during the Covid-19 bear market.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32550842|t=2020. Infected Markets: Novel Coronavirus, Government Interventions, and Stock Return Volatility around the Globe.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574266|t=2020. Psycho-Neuroendocrine-Immune Interactions in COVID-19: Potential Impacts on Mental Health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595541|t=2020. SARS-CoV-2 Risk Management in Clinical Psychiatry: A Few Considerations on How to Deal With an Unrivaled Threat.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595534|t=2020. Prevalence and Demographic Correlates of Poor Sleep Quality Among Frontline Health Professionals in Liaoning Province, China During the COVID-19 Outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32587539|t=2020. Covid-19 Outbreak In Italy: Are We Ready for the Psychosocial and the Economic Crisis? Baseline Findings From the PsyCovid Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32581895|t=2020. The Impact of Quarantine and Physical Distancing Following COVID-19 on Mental Health: Study Protocol of a Multicentric Italian Population Trial.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32581891|t=2020. The Need for a Mental Health Technology Revolution in the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574243|t=2020. Complicated Grief: What to Expect After the Coronavirus Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574242|t=2020. Online Mental Health Survey in a Medical College in China During the COVID-19 Outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32581987|t=2020. What Does Food Retail Research Tell Us About the Implications of Coronavirus (COVID-19) for Grocery Purchasing Habits?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32581986|t=2020. Caring for Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic Emergency: Toward an "Epidemic of Empathy" in Healthcare.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32581985|t=2020. COVID-19 Confinement and Health Risk Behaviors in Spain.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574244|t=2020. The Impact of COVID-19 on Anxiety in Chinese University Students.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582616|t=2020. The Status of Psychological Issues Among Frontline Health Workers Confronting the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574307|t=2020. Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Outbreak: the Need for Epidemic Preparedness.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574305|t=2020. Knowledge, Attitudes, Impact, and Anxiety Regarding COVID-19 Infection Among the Public in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574304|t=2020. Health and Economy in COVID-19 Era: A Plan for Reconstituting Long-Term Economic Security.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574300|t=2020. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward COVID-19 Among the Public in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574294|t=2020. Recommendations for Physical Inactivity and Sedentary Behavior During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596642|t=2020. Development of a psychological first-aid model in inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596641|t=2020. Stress and sleep: a survey based on wearable sleep trackers among medical and nursing staff in Wuhan during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596640|t=2020. Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32574346|t=2020. Beliefs towards the COVID-19 pandemic among patients with emotional disorders in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595421|t=2020. Psychosocial burden of healthcare professionals in times of COVID-19 - a survey conducted at the University Hospital Augsburg.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32545647|t=2020. Examining Social Determinants of Health, Stigma, and COVID-19 Disparities.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32561126|t=2020. Mental Health and Psychosocial Challenges in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Food for Thought for Cardiovascular Health Care Professionals.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32546463|t=2020. Twin public health emergencies: Covid-19 and domestic violence.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536743|t=2020. COVID-19 HASTENS A STRUCTURAL SHIFT IN THE LCD MARKET.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32327876|t=2020. CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 ROILS DISPLAY SUPPLY CHAIN.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32545240|t=2020. Fear of COVID-19 Scale-Associations of Its Scores with Health Literacy and Health-Related Behaviors among Medical Students.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536717|t=2020. Great Green Transition and Finance.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536715|t=2020. Potential Output, EU Fiscal Surveillance and the COVID-19 Shock.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536714|t=2020. Common Pitfalls in the Interpretation of COVID-19 Data and Statistics.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536713|t=2020. On the Macroeconomic and Social Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Latin America and the Developing World.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536707|t=2020. How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Reshaping the Trade Landscape and What to Do About It.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542180|t=2020. Challenges faced by mental health providers and patients during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic due to technological barriers.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32537424|t=2020. Rapid report: Early demand, profiles and concerns of mental health users during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32406350|t=2020. Preliminary reflections of CAMHS in COVID-19 lockdown.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553678|t=2020. Third year Dermatology Resident Anxiety in the Era of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32497702|t=2020. Challenges and countermeasures in the prevention of nosocomial infections of SARS-CoV-2 before resumption of work: implications for the dermatology department.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32439012|t=2020. COVID-19: A Lesson in Humility and an Opportunity for Sagacity and Hope.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32396997|t=2020. First Impressions of Performing Bedside Cognitive Assessment of COVID-19 Inpatients.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32396983|t=2020. Clinical Judgment Is Paramount When Performing Cognitive Screening during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32343394|t=2020. Examining Older Adult Cognitive Status in the Time of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536554|t=2020. Overcoming the Challenge of Family Separation From Nursing Home Residents During COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536552|t=2020. Essential Family Caregivers in Long-Term Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32569905|t=2020. Fear of the coronavirus (COVID-19): Predictors in an online study conducted in March 2020.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32401942|t=2020. How psychosocial and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic can interfere on bruxism and temporomandibular disorders?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32550128|t=2020. This time is indeed different: A study on global market reactions to public health crisis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536736|t=2020. Effects of COVID-19 on business and research.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32536735|t=2020. Impact of Covid-19 on consumer behavior: Will the old habits return or die?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542067|t=2020. A decade of the sharing economy: Concepts, users, business and governance perspectives.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32545809|t=2020. Phase 2 and Later of COVID-19 Lockdown: Is it Possible to Perform Remote Diagnosis and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder? An Online-Mediated Approach.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32281185|t=2020. Life in the pandemic: Some reflections on nursing in the context of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32530493|t=2020. Why Your Patients' Believing Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Are 90% Effective for COVID-19 Is 100% Dangerous.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32558406|t=2020. Beyond the Respiratory System: A Case Report Highlighting the Impact of COVID-19 in Mental Illness and Its Physical Consequences.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32592160|t=2020. Analysis of Risk Perceptions and Related Factors Concerning COVID-19 Epidemic in Chongqing, China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32583360|t=2020. Positive Correlation Between General Public Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding COVID-19 Outbreak 1 Month After First Cases Reported in Indonesia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542552|t=2020. Cross-Sectional Study on Awareness and Knowledge of COVID-19 Among Senior pharmacy Students.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542499|t=2020. Psychological Aspects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542061|t=2020. To lockdown? When to peak? Will there be an end? A macroeconomic analysis on COVID-19 epidemic in the United States.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32392172|t=2020. Analysis of Public Perception of the Israeli Government's Early Emergency Instructions Regarding COVID-19: Online Survey Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553198|t=2020. The Essential Business Conundrum in COVID-19 Hotspots.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32558102|t=2020. Nurses need support during Covid-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32311811|t=2020. COVID-19 under the SARS Cloud: Mental Health Nursing during the Pandemic in Hong Kong.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540573|t=2020. Letter to the editor: COVID-19; an opportunity to study mental health at the individual and population levels.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32584530|t=2020. Clozapine and COVID-19: The authors respond.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32584527|t=2020. Clozapine and COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32584526|t=2020. Adapting to the impact of COVID-19 on mental health: an international perspective.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32401309|t=2020. Facing the future-what lessons could we learn from Covid-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32424660|t=2020. An Italian Experience of Spirituality from the Coronavirus Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32409989|t=2020. Maintaining Health and Well-Being by Putting Faith into Action During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32488828|t=2020. Science, Religion, Government, and SARS-CoV-2: A Time for Synergy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32488827|t=2020. The Faith Community and the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32415424|t=2020. Religion and Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32410272|t=2020. Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID-19 lockdown in Italy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32513197|t=2020. Eating habits and lifestyle changes during COVID-19 lockdown: an Italian survey.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32428041|t=2020. Study of the mental health status of medical personnel dealing with new coronavirus pneumonia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32603930|t=2020. Psychotic symptoms in COVID-19 patients. A retrospective descriptive study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593478|t=2020. Command Suicidal Hallucination as Initial Presentation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Case Report.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593477|t=2020. Clozapine Toxicity in the Setting of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32605766|t=2020. A Case of Catatonia in a Man With COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593479|t=2020. COVID-19 Psychosis: A Potential New Neuropsychiatric Condition Triggered by Novel Coronavirus Infection and the Inflammatory Response?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32537230|t=2020. Motivation and preference in isolation: a test of their different influences on responses to self-isolation during the COVID-19 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32578764|t=2020. Pregnant, uninfected, stressed, and confined in the COVID-19 period: what can we expect in the near future?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32609250|t=2020. Children's (in)visibility in social vulnerability and the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32550745|t=2020. Does culture matter social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595107|t=2020. The acute effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on insomnia and psychological symptoms.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542111|t=2020. Management of clozapine treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32378868|t=2020. Covid-19 pa lukka psykiatriske sengepostar.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32561254|t=2020. The Neurobiology of Social Distance.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553445|t=2020. Demographic Stability on Mechanical Turk Despite COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32545022|t=2020. Emotional Health in the Midst of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32601024|t=2020. COVID-19: Wissensstand, Risikowahrnehmung und Umgang mit der Pandemie.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540749|t=2020. The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on substance use: Implications for prevention and treatment.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593065|t=2020. Patient flow in the largest French psychiatric emergency centre in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544708|t=2020. The psychological impact of quarantine on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32597676|t=2020. Laughing it off: Coronavirus superspreaders, anxiety, and fear in Jordan and Australia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32525393|t=2020. Tending and mending: Affiliative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic by healthcare professionals in Italy.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32525390|t=2020. Psychological impact of anti-Asian stigma due to the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for research, practice, and policy responses.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32596867|t=2020. Fear of disease progression and psychological stress in cancer patients under the outbreak of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32594089|t=2020. Forty Percent Reduction in Referrals to Psychiatric Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32590495|t=2020. Three Reasons to Focus on Patient and Family Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32579802|t=2020. The Economic Implications of COVID-19 in the United States.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32499414|t=2020. Patents, economics, and pandemics.|pdf=|usr=}}
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{{tp|p=32370656|t=2020. Brief des DGKJP-Vorstands zur Coronavirus-Pandemie.|pdf=|usr=}}

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{{tp|p=32501420|t=2020. Syndemic frameworks to understand the effects of COVID-19 on commercial driver stress, health, and safety.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32268360|t=2020. COVID-19 pandemic: stop panic abandonment of household pets.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32390661|t=2020. The potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on occupational status, work from home, and occupational mobility.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32390659|t=2020. Taking control amidst the chaos: Emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32556260|t=2020. Disparities in Coronavirus 2019 Reported Incidence, Knowledge, and Behavior Among US Adults.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32356777|t=2020. Impact of Home Quarantine on Physical Activity Among Older Adults Living at Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32459186|t=2020. Flattening the Mental Health Curve: COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders Are Associated With Alterations in Mental Health Search Behavior in the United States.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32330113|t=2020. Comment on "Digital Mental Health and COVID-19: Using Technology Today to Accelerate the Curve on Access and Quality Tomorrow": A UK Perspective.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32348293|t=2020. Agile Requirements Engineering and Software Planning for a Digital Health Platform to Engage the Effects of Isolation Caused by Social Distancing: Case Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32598290|t=2020. Using open-source intelligence to detect early signals of COVID-19 in China, Descriptive study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540840|t=2020. Health Belief Model-based Deep Learning Classifiers for Classifying COVID-19 Social Media Content to Examine Public Behaviors towards Physical Distancing.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32365043|t=2020. Assessing the Real-Time Mental Health Challenges of COVID-19 in Individuals With Serious Mental Illnesses: Protocol for a Quantitative Study.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32145186|t=2020. Mitigate the effects of home confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32540024|t=2020. The effects of social deprivation on adolescent development and mental health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553138|t=2020. Drinking alone: COVID-19, lockdown, and alcohol-related harm.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32043979|t=2020. Game consumption and the 2019 novel coronavirus.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32592670|t=2020. Stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32559437|t=2020. COVID-19 reveals vulnerability of small-scale fisheries to global market systems.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32353268|t=2020. Virtual treatment and social distancing.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32353260|t=2020. Isolation and inclusion.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563298|t=2020. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of prisoners.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32437646|t=2020. COVID-19 and the impact of social determinants of health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32591178|t=2020. Lesiones musculoesqueleticas secundarias al ejercicio durante el confinamiento por la pandemia COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32505067|t=2020. Could autism spectrum disorders be a risk factor for COVID-19?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32447099|t=2020. COVID-19, quarantine, and atopic dermatitis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32132521|t=2020. The Effects of Social Support on Sleep Quality of Medical Staff Treating Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in January and February 2020 in China.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32566473|t=2020. Flattening the curve of mental ill-health: the importance of primary prevention in managing the mental health impacts of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32391113|t=2020. Somatics of Early Buddhist Mindfulness and How to Face Anxiety.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32514104|t=2020. Brain oxytocin: how puzzle stones from animal studies translate into psychiatry.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32548993|t=2020. Sleepless in COVID-19: how not to lose sleep in lockdowns.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32395849|t=2020. Incidence of Anxiety in Parkinson's Disease During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32395719|t=2020. UK food system resilience tested by COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32488413|t=2020. Psychopharmakotherapie in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32571612|t=2020. "Quarantine during COVID-19 outbreak: Changes in diet and physical activity increase the risk of cardiovascular disease".|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582323|t=2020. Risk Assessment of Healthcare Workers at the Frontline against COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582318|t=2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic and Economic Impact.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582317|t=2020. Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582316|t=2020. Self-control Mediates the Relationship between Psychosocial Strengths and Perceived Severity of COVID-19 among Frontline Healthcare Professionals of Pakistan: A Single Center Experience.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582313|t=2020. COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact of Quarantine on Medical Students' Mental Wellbeing and Learning Behaviors.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582312|t=2020. Expectations, Fears and Perceptions of doctors during Covid-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582307|t=2020. The clinical and demographical profile of Coronavirus illness: The tale of Tablighi Jamaat and Zaireen in Quarantine / Isolation center at Sukkur and Hyderabad.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32582306|t=2020. Impact of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on health professionals.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32537120|t=2020. Short report on implications of Covid-19 and emerging zoonotic infectious diseases for pastoralists and Africa.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32537858|t=2020. The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Young Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32562931|t=2020. Correlates of symptoms of anxiety and depression and mental wellbeing associated with COVID-19: a cross-sectional study of UK-based respondents.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563951|t=2020. Insomnia during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown: Prevalence, severity, and associated risk factors in French population.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544711|t=2020. Psychosis and pandemics: Is there a secret protector?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544705|t=2020. Psychological resilience during the COVID-19 lockdown.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563745|t=2020. The psychological and mental impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on medical staff and general public - A systematic review and meta-analysis.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32585436|t=2020. Developing and testing a measure of COVID-19 organizational support of healthcare workers - results from Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32544710|t=2020. The solitary confinement of incarcerated American youth during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32591213|t=2020. Patients With the Novel SARS-Cov-2 Disease Require a Novel Standard of Care-Med-Psych.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32593055|t=2020. Maternal mental health in India during COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32601651|t=2020. How the COVID-19 pandemic is focusing attention on loneliness and social isolation.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32542719|t=2020. Physical activity: Benefits and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32553434|t=2020. The DOSMD challenge and the COVID-19 conundrum.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32592021|t=2020. The examination of sleep quality for frontline healthcare workers during the outbreak of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32502844|t=2020. The evaluation of sleep disturbances for Chinese frontline medical workers under the outbreak of COVID-19.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32482485|t=2020. Perceived stress and sleep quality among the non-diseased general public in China during the 2019 coronavirus disease: a moderated mediation model.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32569991|t=2020. In the big picture of COVID-19 pandemic: what can sleep do.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32595345|t=2020. Coronavirus Disease 2019, School Closures, and Children's Mental Health.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32556376|t=2020. COVID-19 and mental health equity in the United States.|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32563514|t=2020. D'une epidemie a l'autre : quelles lecons apprises sont transferables a la reduction de l'impact psychosocial du confinement lie au Covid-19 ?|pdf=|usr=}}
{{tp|p=32572381|t=2020. Fatalism in the context of COVID-19: Perceiving coronavirus as a death sentence predicts reluctance to perform recommended preventive behaviors.|pdf=|usr=}}

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