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pmid27303126      Indian+J+Surg 2016 ; 78 (2): 147-8
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  • Penetrating Injury to the Gallbladder by a Needle Fish #MMPMID27303126
  • Sarma DR; Jeyasekharan SS
  • Indian J Surg 2016[Apr]; 78 (2): 147-8 PMID27303126show ga
  • Penetrating abdominal trauma is a major killer worldwide. Various modes and mechanisms of injury have been described in world literature. We describe an unusual case of penetrating intra-abdominal injury caused by a 2-ft-long needle fish at sea. The mode and mechanism of injury is rare and the consequences life threatening. There is paucity in the literature of such trauma and its presentation. This case report describes injury sustained by a fisherman at sea by a needle fish, causing biliary peritonitis from an isolated penetrating injury to the gallbladder. Typically, these fishes are known to jump up to 6 ft above the surface of the water and are voracious carnivores, feeding on smaller fishes in deep sea. The fisherman, having sustained the injury, had blood tinged bile oozing from the wound and attended casualty in severe abdominal pain and nausea. Diagnosis was prompt, and even though the presentation to the casualty was delayed, immediate resuscitative measures and surgery ensured successful management of the patient.
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