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pmid27122314      Proc+Natl+Acad+Sci+U+S+A 2016 ; 113 (19): E2675-84
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  • Astrocytes regulate cortical state switching in vivo #MMPMID27122314
  • Poskanzer KE; Yuste R
  • Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016[May]; 113 (19): E2675-84 PMID27122314show ga
  • Astrocytes?a type of glial cell?and neurons function together in neural circuits, but how astrocytes affect circuit function remains poorly understood. By measuring the fluorescent calcium activity of astrocytes while recording the electrophysiological oscillations in the mouse cortex, we find that astrocytes, through regulation of extracellular glutamate, are involved in triggering a slow neuronal rhythm in the brain that has been shown to be important in sleep and memory formation.
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