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pmid33193727      Front+Genet 2020 ; 11 (ä): 589621
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  • Long-Term Impact of Social Isolation and Molecular Underpinnings #MMPMID33193727
  • Arzate-Mejia RG; Lottenbach Z; Schindler V; Jawaid A; Mansuy IM
  • Front Genet 2020[]; 11 (ä): 589621 PMID33193727show ga
  • Prolonged periods of social isolation can have detrimental effects on the physiology and behavior of exposed individuals in humans and animal models. This involves complex molecular mechanisms across tissues in the body which remain partly identified. This review discusses the biology of social isolation and describes the acute and lasting effects of prolonged periods of social isolation with a focus on the molecular events leading to behavioral alterations. We highlight the role of epigenetic mechanisms and non-coding RNA in the control of gene expression as a response to social isolation, and the consequences for behavior. Considering the use of strict quarantine during epidemics, like currently with COVID-19, we provide a cautionary tale on the indiscriminate implementation of such form of social isolation and its potential damaging and lasting effects in mental health.
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